Takara In-Fusion Snap Assembly EcoDry for seamless DNA cloning in a lyophilized format

상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호CAS 번호설명상태단위판매가할인가가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니 / 찜
638953-Takara 638953 In-Fusion® Snap Assembly EcoDry™ Master Mix with Competent Cells, 96 Rxns pk재고문의pk0-0
638954-Takara 638954 In-Fusion® Snap Assembly EcoDry™ Master Mix, 8 Rxns pk재고문의pk0-0
638955-Takara 638955 In-Fusion® Snap Assembly EcoDry™ Master Mix, 32 Rxns pk재고문의pk0-0
638956-Takara 638956 In-Fusion® Snap Assembly EcoDry™ Master Mix, 96 Rxns pk재고문의pk0-0

In-Fusion Snap Assembly EcoDry products feature our In-Fusion Snap Assembly master mix in a lyophilized, ready-to-use format that can be stored at room temperature. The cloning reagent is prealiquoted and dried down in tubes or well-plates that are covered with an aluminum seal. The room temp stability makes this convenient cloning enzyme format ideal for high-throughput cloning with robotic liquid handlers.

In-Fusion Snap Assembly EcoDry products feature our In-Fusion Snap Assembly master mix in a lyophilized, ready-to-use format that can be stored at room temperature. The cloning reagent is prealiquoted and dried down in tubes or well-plates that are covered with an aluminum seal. The room temp stability makes this convenient cloning enzyme format ideal for high-throughput cloning with robotic liquid handlers. Whether at the bench or with automation platforms, use of pre-aliquoted reagents means minimal handling—eliminating chances of contamination, pipetting errors, or missing reagents. Just like its liquid counterpart, In-Fusion Snap Assembly EcoDry allows you to clone any PCR fragment into any linearized vector in a single step without restriction digestion of the PCR fragment, ligation, or blunt-end polishing.

The ability to clone directly into any vector at any restriction site eliminates the need for further subcloning or manipulation, dramatically simplifying the cloning workflow and enabling transition to high-throughput applications. In-Fusion Snap Assembly EcoDry master mix fuses PCR-generated sequences and linearized vectors efficiently and precisely, utilizing a 15-bp overlap at their ends. This 15-bp overlap can be engineered by designing custom primers for amplification of the desired sequences using our free primer design tool.

In-Fusion Cloning technology is based on the removal of nucleotides from the 3` end of the linear DNA strands. This allows complementary base pairs between two fragments of DNA to anneal, leading to fragment joining. This method can be used to clone single or multiple fragments into a single vector without subcloning. Additional applications include directional cDNA cloning, mutagenesis, gene synthesis, high-throughput cloning, as well as the addition of adaptors, linkers, and protein tags.

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Discover all the benefits of In-Fusion Cloning, in a dried-down format:

  • Ease of use and consistency—Lyophilized, pre-aliquoted cloning mix; dried-down format eliminates handling errors and contamination, facilitating high-throughput workflows
  • Highly efficient—Over 95% efficiency demonstrated with a broad range of fragment sizes from 0.5 kb to 15 kb
  • Sub-cloning is unnecessary—Clone any insert, into any locus, in any vector, with just one reaction
  • Seamless construction—Final constructs have no superfluous base pairs (as is often the case with restriction digest or TA cloning)
  • Versatility and flexibility for your applications—Clone single or multiple DNA fragments simultaneously, or perform site-directed mutagenesis in a single reaction

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  • High-throughput cloning (see full range of reagent options on our high-throughput cloning page)
  • Directional cDNA cloning
  • Multiple fragment cloning
  • Site-directed mutagenesis
  • Gene synthesis
  • Adding adaptors, linkers, and protein tags
  • Cloning using modular parts

Choose the right In-Fusion Cloning system for your needs

View our selection guide.

Additional product information

Please see the product`s Certificate of Analysis for information about storage conditions, product components, and technical specifications. Please see the Kit Components List to determine kit components. Certificates of Analysis and Kit Components Lists are located under the Documents tab.

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