Takara iDimerize Reverse Dimerization System (inducible secretion)

상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호CAS 번호설명상태단위판매가할인가가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니 / 찜
635053-Takara 635053 D/D Solubilizer, 5 x 500 uL pk재고문의pk0-0
635054-Takara 635054 D/D Solubilizer, 500 uL pk재고문의pk0-0
635066-Takara 635066 iDimerize™ Reverse Dimerization System, Each pk재고문의pk0-0
635076-Takara 635076 Lenti-X™ iDimerize™ Reverse Dimerization System, Each pk재고문의pk0-0

The iDimerize Reverse Dimerization System brings the disruption of protein complexes under real-time, small-molecule control. A protein of interest is fused to the DmrD binding domain, and the fusion protein molecules aggregate unless the D/D Solubilizer ligand is present. Plasmid and lentiviral (Lenti-X) vector formats are available.

The iDimerize Reverse Dimerization System brings the disruption of protein complexes under real-time, small-molecule control. A protein of interest is fused to the DmrD binding domain, and the fusion protein molecules aggregate unless the D/D Solubilizer ligand is present. Plasmid and lentiviral (Lenti-X) vector formats are available.

Reverse dimerization: Disrupting protein-protein interactions

The iDimerize Reverse Dimerization System is a “reverse dimerization” system—aggregation is the resting state, and the D/D Solubilizer breaks up protein-protein interactions. Therefore, the iDimerize Reverse Dimerization System complements inducible dimerization, and can be used in analogous ways to create inducible alleles. In principle, most processes that can be brought under dimerizer control can also be controlled in the reverse manner using this kit to turn off a process that is activated by oligomerization.

Inducible secretion

The ability to create large protein aggregates has unique applications. For example, adding a secretory signal sequence to fusion proteins allows them to be reversibly stored as aggregates in the endoplasmic reticulum. The ligand can then be added to induce a rapid pulse of protein secretion from the cells. This method has been used to induce rapid, transient, and tightly regulated secretion of human growth hormone (hGH) and insulin (Rivera et al. 2000).

Protein aggregates can also be used in protein trafficking research. For example, this approach has been used to discover the existence of “mega-vesicles” transporting cargo across the Golgi stack (Volchuk et al. 2000).

D/D Solubilizer ligand

The D/D Solubilizer is a synthetic, cell-permeable ligand that can be used to disrupt dimerization of fusion proteins containing the DmrD domain. The D/D Solubilizer has been tested in vitro and in mice. It is nontoxic. We suggest testing various D/D Solubilizer concentrations within the recommended range (10–500 nM) for different lengths of time (30 minutes to 12+ hours) in order to obtain a complete dose-response profile.

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