Merck Anti-α-Tubulin antibody, Mouse monoclonal

상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호설명상태단위가격가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니 / 찜
T6199-200ULMerck T6199-200UL Anti-α-Tubulin antibody, Mouse monoclonal, 200uL pk재고문의pk1,017,4001,119,140
T6199-100ULMerck T6199-100UL Anti-α-Tubulin antibody, Mouse monoclonal, 100uL pk재고문의pk896,700986,370
T6199-25ULMerck T6199-25UL Anti-α-Tubulin antibody, Mouse monoclonal, 25uL pk재고문의pk271,400298,540

Anti-α-Tubulin antibody, Mouse monoclonal

clone DM1A, purified from hybridoma cell culture

Quality Level


생물학적 소스




항체 형태

purified immunoglobulin

antibody product type

primary antibodies


DM1A, monoclonal


buffered aqueous solution


antigen ~50 kDa

species reactivity

bovine, rat, yeast, human, mouse, chicken, fungi, amphibian


antibody small pack of 25 μL

향상된 검증

independent ( Antibodies)
Learn more about Antibody Enhanced Validation


~1 mg/mL


immunocytochemistry: 0.5-1 μg/mL using cultured chicken fibroblasts (CFB)
immunohistochemistry: suitable
immunoprecipitation (IP): suitable
microarray: suitable
western blot: 0.5-1 μg/mL using total tissue extract from chicken gizzard



UniProt 수납 번호



research pathology

배송 상태

dry ice

저장 온도


Gene Information

human ... TUBA4A(7277)
mouse ... Tuba1a(22142)
rat ... Tuba1a(64158)

Anti-α-Tubulin antibody, Mouse monoclonal (mouse IgG1 isotype) is derived from the hybridoma DM1A produced by the fusion of mouse myeloma cells (NS1) and splenocytes from BALB/c mice immunized with purified chick brain tubulin. The isotype is determined by a double diffusion immunoassay using Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Isotyping Reagents, Product Number ISO2.

Tubulin is the major building block of microtubules. This intracellular, cylindrical, filamentous structure is present in almost all eukaryotic cells. Microtubules function as structural and mobile elements in mitosis, intracellular transport, flagellar movement, and the cytoskeleton. Tubulin is a heterodimer that consists of α-tubulin and β-tubulin. Both subunits have a molecular weight of approx. 50 kDa and share considerable homology. In addition to α- and β-tubulin, several other tubulins have been identified, bringing the number of distinct tubulin classes to seven. Most of these tubulins have distinct subcellular localization and an emerging diverse set of functions. Out of the seven different tubulins four new members of the tubulin family were identified recently, which consist of δ, ξ, η and ε-tubulin. η and ε-tubulins were discovered by database searches. Microtubular systems contain at least three α-tubulin isoforms. Two isoforms are coded by two α-tubulin genes, which are both transcribed and code for extremely similar proteins. The third isoform is generated by post-translational modification. At least three modifications of tubulin subunits have been described: the phosphorylation of β-tubulin from brain, the removal of the carboxy terminal tyrosine form a-tubulin in vertebrate tissues, and the acetylation of the amino group of lysine(s) in α-tubulin.

α -tubulin, also called tubulin α 4a (TUBA4A), is mapped to human chromosome 2q35. The gene codes for a member of the α -tubulin family, and contains 448 amino acids. α-subunit of tubulin has molecular weight of 50,000.

Monoclonal antibodies recognizing α-tubulin, together with monoclonal antibodies to other tubulin types (β, β-tubulin isotype I +II, β-tubulin isotype III, tyrosine tubulin, and the acetylated form of α-tubulin) provide a specific and useful tool in studying the intracellular distribution of tubulin and the static and dynamic aspects of cytoskeleton.

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