Takara High-throughput his-tagged microscale purification—His60 Ni Magnetic Beads

상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호CAS 번호설명상태단위판매가할인가가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니 / 찜
635692-Takara 635692 His60 Ni Magnetic Beads, 10 mL pk재고문의pk0-0
635693-Takara 635693 His60 Ni Magnetic Beads, 1 mL pk재고문의pk0-0

Combine the selective chemistry of His60 Ni Superflow Resin with magnetic bead separation. Magnetic particles in the beads facilitate quick and easy separation of microscale quantities of protein when placed on a magnetic separator. The modified Ni-IDA chemistry makes this resin one of the best on the market in terms of capacity, metal-ion leakage, and purity when compared to other Ni-based resins such as Ni-NTA or other Ni-IDA resins.

Combine the selective chemistry of His60 Ni Superflow Resin with magnetic bead separation. Magnetic particles in the beads facilitate quick and easy separation of microscale quantities of protein when placed on a magnetic separator. The modified Ni-IDA chemistry makes this resin one of the best on the market in terms of capacity, metal-ion leakage, and purity when compared to other Ni-based resins such as Ni-NTA or other Ni-IDA resins.

Highly specific binding & elution

His60 Ni Magnetic Beads bind low to high-molecular weight his-tagged proteins with high specificity. Purified proteins are eluted in small volumes (50–200 µl), resulting in concentrated samples (up to 3 mg/ml). His60 Ni Magnetic Beads are supplied as a 5% suspension with a demonstrated binding capacity of 1.65 mg of protein per ml of suspension.

Microscale screening

Microscale purification with His60 Ni Magnetic Beads can be used to screen expression levels or for protein-protein interaction studies. In addition, the use of His60 Ni chemistry allows for seamless scale-up of purification of target proteins using our standard His60 Ni Superflow Resin.

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  • Quick and easy separation of his-tagged proteins
  • Selective His60 Ni chemistry for increased purity
  • Eluted samples ideal for small volume applications

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His60 Ni Magnetic Beads provide simple, effective separation of recombinant his-tagged proteins for a wide range of applications, including:

  • Microscale purification of his-tagged proteins
  • Studying protein structure and function
  • Preparing proteins for X-ray crystallography
  • Performing assays that detect protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions
  • Immunization to raise antibodies against a protein of interest
  • Screening for protein expression
  • Optimizing purification conditions for scale-up with His60 Ni Resin

His60 Ni Magnetic Beads can also be used to immobilize 6xhis-tagged proteins for affinity chromatography, in order to:

  • Analyze protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions
  • Purify untagged subunits or nucleic acids that interact with the immobilized protein
  • Perform antibody purification
  • Study interactions between ligands and receptors


  • Choice of native or denaturing conditions to purify proteins
  • Directed presentation of 6xHis-tagged proteins increases reproducibility and signal-to-noise ratios
  • Varying the amount of beads per well allows for a wide range of binding capacities
  • A powerful tool for analyzing interactions between biomolecules

We also recommend

  • His-Tag Detection Antibodies
    Use highly sensitive antibodies to detect his-tagged recombinant proteins in Western blot, ELISA, and immunocytohistochemical assays.
  • ProteoGuard Protease Inhibitor Cocktail
    Use this protease inhibitor cocktail to suppress proteolysis in all your cell lysates. We recommend using ProteoGuard with all our protein purification products.

Additional product information

Please see the product`s Certificate of Analysis for information about storage conditions, product components, and technical specifications. Please see the Kit Components List to determine kit components. Certificates of Analysis and Kit Components Lists are located under the Documents tab in the Product Table above.

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