Takara Adeno-X adenoviral system 3

상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호설명상태단위판매가할인가가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니 / 찜
631180Takara 631180 Adeno-X™ Adenoviral System 3 (Tet-On® 3G Inducible), 10 Rxns pk재고문의pk3,691,000-4,060,100
632264Takara 632264 Adeno-X™ Adenoviral System 3 (Universal, Green), 10 Rxns pk재고문의pk2,597,000-2,856,700
632265Takara 632265 Adeno-X™ Adenoviral System 3 (Universal, Red), 10 Rxns pk재고문의pk2,597,000-2,856,700
632267Takara 632267 Adeno-X™ Adenoviral System 3 (CMV, Green), 10 Rxns pk재고문의pk2,597,000-2,856,700
632268Takara 632268 Adeno-X™ Adenoviral System 3 (CMV, Red), 10 Rxns pk재고문의pk2,597,000-2,856,700
632266Takara 632266 Adeno-X™ Adenoviral System 3 (Universal), 10 Rxns pk재고문의pk2,444,000-2,688,400
632269Takara 632269 Adeno-X™ Adenoviral System 3 (CMV), 10 Rxns pk재고문의pk2,444,000-2,688,400

Adeno-X adenoviral system 3 is the most advanced commercially available adenoviral gene-delivery system—providing by far the simplest, fastest, and most efficient method for constructing recombinant adenoviral vectors. Seven formats are available, including the most advanced tetracycline-inducible expression system, constitutive expression systems with or without fluorescent reporters, and universal (promoterless) systems that allow you to clone and express any entire expression cassette of your choice.

Adeno-X adenoviral system 3 is the most advanced commercially available adenoviral gene-delivery system—providing the simplest, fastest, and most efficient method for constructing recombinant adenoviral vectors. Seven formats are available, including the most advanced tetracycline-inducible expression system, constitutive expression systems with a choice of fluorescent reporters, and promoterless systems that allow you to clone and express any entire expression cassette of your choice.

There is no simpler adenoviral expression system

The system relies on the ability of the In-Fusion HD enzyme to precisely recognize and fuse 15 bp of homology between two linear DNA molecules. To generate short regions of homology to the prelinearized pAdeno-X vector, simply add 15 bp of additional sequence to the primers you use to PCR amplify your gene of interest. Then, combine the DNA together with the In-Fusion HD enzyme in a 15-min reaction and transform Stellar Competent Cells. Cloning is always directional, and 90% of the clones contain the correct insert. The kit includes a control cloning fragment, primers for colony PCR verification of positive clones, and a NucleoBond Xtra kit for transfection-grade plasmid purification.

Tetracycline-inducible expression

When you clone your gene into pAdenoX-Tet3G, you are creating a system with the tightest and most sensitive control of gene expression. Tightly controlled, doxycycline-induced expression is as easy as constitutive expression since the Tet-On 3G transactivator protein and the PTRE3G controlled gene of interest are contained on the same adenoviral vector. Up to 3,000-fold induction can be achieved using this system.

Clone any expression cassette into the universal vectors

You are not limited to using a CMV expression system—we have created universal adenoviral systems with vectors that lack a promoter and polyA signal in the cloning site. Simply amplify an entire expression cassette (from promoter to polyA) from a pre-existing construct and clone using In-Fusion HD. Universal systems can be used for expression from alternative promoters that are more suitable to your target cell type such as EF1 alpha or tissue-specific promoters.

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