Merck Duolink flowPLA Compensation Beads - Green

For flow cytometry standard and multiplex analysis

Quality Level


제품 라인



flow cytometry: suitable
immunocytochemistry: suitable
immunofluorescence: suitable
multiplexing: suitable
proximity ligation assay: suitable


λex 498 nm; λem 523 nm (excitation laser line 488 nm)


suitable for fluorescence

배송 상태

wet ice

저장 온도


Duolink® proximity ligation assay(PLA®) allows for endogenous detection of protein interactions, post translational modifications, and protein expression levels at the single molecule level in fixed cells and tissue samples.

It is recommended that Duolink® compensation beads should be used when performing a multiplexed experiment (DUO96001) to save on time and reagent cost, rather than using precious sample. Please note that these Green beads are specific to the Green fluor utilized in the Duolink® Multicolor FlowPLA kit, not the Green fluorophore in the stand-alone Duolink® microscopy and flow kits. This product can be used to determine flow cytometry instrumentation collection parameters, inform experimental design, and as a control for compensation data for multiplexed FlowPLA experiments.

Visit our Duolink® PLA Resource Center for information on how to run a Duolink® experiment, applications, troubleshooting, and more.

Duolink® Multicolor flow PLA Reagent Pack Kits used with Duolink® PLA Multicolor Probemaker Kits will enable Multiplexing of up to 4 protein events with sensitive detection of proteins, protein-protein interactions, and protein modifications within cell populations by flow cytometry. To perform a Duolink® flowPLA experiment, you will need fixed and permeabilized suspended cells, and at least two primary antibodies that specifically recognize your proteins of interest. Analysis is carried out using standard flow cytometry assay equipment. User must provide a fixed cell suspension and primary antibodies. Test your primary antibodies (IgG-class, mono- or polyclonal) in a standard immunofluorescence (IF), immunohistochemistry (IHC) or immunocytochemistry (ICC) assay to determine the optimal fixation, blocking, and titer conditions. Duolink® in situ reagents are suitable for use on fixed cells, cytospin cells, cells grown on slide, formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded (FFPE), or tissue (fresh or frozen). Flow validated antibodies are recommended.

Let us do the work for you, learn more about our Custom Service Program to accelerate your Duolink® projects

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