Takara Single-cell full-length transcriptome analysis on the ICELL8 cx system powered by SMART-Seq technology

상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호CAS 번호설명상태단위판매가할인가가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니 / 찜
640018-Takara 640018 MSND 384-Well Source Plate and Seals (430-000025), 20/Pack pk재고문의pk0-0
640037-Takara 640037 MSND 384-well Source Plate and Seals (430-000258), 120/Pack pk재고문의pk0-0
640192-Takara 640192 ICELL8® 384-Well Source Plate and Seal, Each pk재고문의pk0-0
640257-Takara 640257 SMART-Seq® Pro Application Kit - 2 Chip, 2 Chips pk재고문의pk0-0

Full-length sequence coverage enables differential expression analysis across the entire transcriptome and detection of biomarkers like gene fusions and splice variants. Empowering these analyses is SMART-Seq Pro technology—our highest sensitivity yet for automated single-cell RNA-seq. Combining SMART-Seq chemistry with the ICELL8 cx system and integrated bioinformatic tools, the kit’s end-to-end workflow enables efficient, cost-effective analysis of 1,000–2,000 isolated cells from a single chip.

Full-length sequence coverage enables differential expression analysis across the entire transcriptome and detection of biomarkers like gene fusions and splice variants. Empowering these analyses is SMART-Seq Pro technology—our highest sensitivity yet for automated single-cell RNA-seq. Combining SMART-Seq chemistry with the ICELL8 cx system and integrated bioinformatic tools, the kit’s end-to-end workflow enables efficient, cost-effective analysis of 1,000–2,000 isolated cells from a single chip.

Cells are dispensed into a 5,184-nanowell, blank ICELL8 350v Chip (Cat. # 640019) using the ICELL8 cx Single-Cell System (Cat. # 640188). After identifying single-cell-bearing wells using ICELL8 cx CellSelect Software, reagents are dispensed only to wells chosen for further processing. After a series of dispense and amplification steps, unbiased, full-length cDNA is produced and tagmented by Illumina Bead-Linked Transposome (BLT). The scalable workflow incorporates Illumina-specific adapter sequences during cDNA amplification to generate indexed libraries that are ready for sequencing on Illumina platforms. Two unique index plates are provided in each kit to allow for two chip libraries to be processed together in a single sequencer run. After mRNA sequencing is completed, data can be imported directly into Cogent NGS software tools for bioinformatics analysis and interpretation of results.

NOTE: Past versions of SMART-Seq kits for the ICELL8 cx system are still available for sale. Contact a customer service representative if interested in Cat. # 640222, 640223, or 640224.

If interested in plate-seq applications, please refer to the RNA-seq product page.

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