Takara Retroviral vectors for constitutive gene expression

상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호설명상태단위가격가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니 / 찜
631516Takara 631516 Retro-X™ Q Vector Set, 4 x 20 ug pk재고문의pk1,180,0001,298,000
631511Takara 631511 LRCX Retroviral Vector Set, Each pk재고문의pk1,086,0001,194,600
631514Takara 631514 pQCXIN Retroviral Vector, 20 ug pk재고문의pk858,000943,800
631515Takara 631515 pQCXIX Retroviral Vector, 20 ug pk재고문의pk858,000943,800
631509Takara 631509 pLXSN Retroviral Vector, 20 ug pk재고문의pk828,000910,800
631503Takara 631503 pLNCX2 Retroviral Vector, 20 ug pk재고문의pk802,000882,200
3653Takara 3653 pDON-AI-2 Neo DNA, 20 ug pk재고문의pk639,000702,900
3654Takara 3654 pDON-AI-2 DNA, 20 ug pk재고문의pk639,000702,900
3655Takara 3655 pMEI-5 Neo DNA, 20 ug pk재고문의pk639,000702,900
3656Takara 3656 pMEI-5 DNA, 20 ug pk재고문의pk639,000702,900
3657Takara 3657 pDON-5 Neo DNA, 20 ug pk재고문의pk639,000702,900
3658Takara 3658 pDON-5 DNA, 20 ug pk재고문의pk639,000702,900
631501Takara 631501 pLXIN Retroviral Vector, 20 ug pk재고문의pk00

We provide a choice of gamma-retroviral vectors and retroviral vector sets. All of these retroviral vectors are derived from the Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus (MMLV). Retroviral vectors transduce a wide range of hard-to-transfect dividing cells. Lentiviral or adenoviral vectors are recommended for non-dividing cells.

Q-series retroviral vectors and vector sets

Our Q-series of vectors contains a CMV/MSV hybrid promoter in the 5LTR to drive high titers during the packaging step. They also contain a self-inactivating 3 LTR to reduce promoter interference and drive high expression of your transgene from the internal CMV promoter. Resistance to antibiotic selection is achieved through ribosome binding to an internal ribosome entry site (IRES).

The Retro-X Q Vector Set gives you a choice of Q-series vector backbones with alternative resistance markers for selection with G418 (pQCXIN), hygromycin (pQCXIH), or puromycin (pQCXIP).

pQCXIX does not contain a selection marker but does contain two multiple cloning sites, one on each side of an IRES, to allow simultaneous expression of two transgenes.

L-series retroviral vectors, vector sets, and systems

pLNCX2 and pLXSN are basic retroviral vectors that utilize wild-type LTRs from MMLV. These allow you to express your gene of interest from either a CMV promoter (pLNCX2) or the 5`-LTR promoter (pLXSN). Integration of these constructs into the genome of your target cell can be selected for by adding G418 to your culture medium.

The Retro-X System includes three L-series retroviral expression vectors, pLNCX2, pLXSN, and pLAPSN. The last of which is a control reporter vector made by adding the bacterial alkaline phosphatase gene to pLXSN. Our RetroPack PT67 packaging cell line is also included in this system.

The LRCX Retroviral Vector Set gives you a choice of L-series vector backbones with alternative resistance markers for selection with G418 (pLNCX2), hygromycin (pLHCX), or puromycin (pLPCX).

pRetro-Lib contains Sfi1A and Sfi1B restriction sites flanked by a stuffer fragment to enable simple cloning of a full-length cDNA library using our SMART cDNA Library Construction Kit.

pDON-AI-2 and pMEI-5 vector series

pDON-A1-2 vectors contain a human CMV promoter within the U3 region of the 5` LTR, whereas expression from pMEI-5 is from the LTR promoter. Because pMEI-5 contains an intron with high splicing ability, 2–8 fold higher gene expression level can be expected compared to the pDON-AI-2 series.

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