Takara iDimerize Inducible Heterodimer System

상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호설명상태단위가격가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니
635055Takara 635055 A/C Heterodimerizer, 5 mg pk재고문의pk1,221,0001,343,100
635056Takara 635056 A/C Heterodimerizer, 5 x 500 uL pk재고문의pk1,103,0001,213,300
635067Takara 635067 iDimerize™ Inducible Heterodimer System, Each pk재고문의pk2,170,0002,387,000
635074Takara 635074 Lenti-X™ iDimerize™ Inducible Heterodimer System, Each pk재고문의pk00
635079Takara 635079 iDimerize™ Inducible Heterodimer System (with Tet-On® 3G), Each pk재고문의pk00

The iDimerize Inducible Heterodimer System can be used to create and control specific interactions between two different proteins. The proteins of interest are fused to the DmrA and DmrC binding domains, respectively, and dimerization is induced by adding the cell-permeant ligand A/C Heterodimerizer (identical to the AP21967 ligand) to the culture medium or by administering it in vivo. Plasmid and lentiviral (Lenti-X) vector formats are available.

The iDimerize Inducible Heterodimer System can be used to create and control specific interactions between two different proteins. The proteins of interest are fused to the DmrA and DmrC binding domains, respectively, and dimerization is induced by adding the cell permeant ligand A/C Heterodimerizer (identical to the AP21967 ligand) to the culture medium or by administering it in vivo. Plasmid and lentiviral (Lenti-X) vector formats are available.

iDimerize Inducible Heterodimer System (with Tet-On 3G technology)

One challenge of ligand-dependent dimerization experiments is that non-ligand-induced dimerization events may occur if the proteins of interest are expressed at high levels. This is especially problematic if the target proteins are membrane-bound, because the local concentrations can increase quickly due to the limited space on the membrane. We’ve combined iDimerize and Tet-On 3G technologies to eliminate these unwanted events. First, use doxycycline (Dox) to optimize the proteins’ expression to physiologically relevant levels. Then induce dimerization by adding the dimerizer ligand to your culture medium.

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