Merck Anti-Cytokeratin, pan antibody, Mouse monoclonal

상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호설명상태단위판매가할인가가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니 / 찜
C5992-200ULMerck C5992-200UL Anti-Cytokeratin, pan antibody, Mouse monoclonal, 200uL pk재고문의pk1,217,790-1,339,569
C5992-100ULMerck C5992-100UL Anti-Cytokeratin, pan antibody, Mouse monoclonal, 100uL pk재고문의pk941,540-1,035,694
C5992-25ULMerck C5992-25UL Anti-Cytokeratin, pan antibody, Mouse monoclonal, 25uL pk재고문의pk267,230-293,953

Anti-Cytokeratin, pan antibody, Mouse monoclonal

clone PCK-26, purified from hybridoma cell culture

Anti-Cytokeratin - Monoclonal Anti-Cytokeratin, pan antibody produced in mouse, Anti-Cytokeratin, Monoclonal Anti-pan-Cytokeratin

Quality Level


생물학적 소스




항체 형태

purified from hybridoma cell culture

antibody product type

primary antibodies


PCK-26, monoclonal


buffered aqueous solution

species reactivity

pig, human, guinea pig, carp, rabbit, rat, goat, snake, feline, hamster, chicken, mouse, lizard, sheep, canine, bovine


antibody small pack of 25 μL


~1.5 mg/mL


dot blot: suitable
immunocytochemistry: suitable
immunohistochemistry: 10-20 μg/mL using human placenta or skin
western blot: suitable



배송 상태

dry ice

저장 온도


Monoclonal Anti-Pan Cytokeratin (mouse IgG1 isotype) is derived from the PCK-26 hybridoma produced by the fusion of mouse myeloma cells and splenocytes from BALB/c mice immunized with a cytokeratin preparation from human epidermis. Cytokeratins are a group of at least 29 different proteins. They are characteristic of epithelial and trichocytic cells. Cytokeratin peptide 1 (68 kDa) is expressed together with cytokeratin 10 in the suprabasal cell layers or the differentiation compartment of the epidermis. Its expression increases with epidermal maturation and is modified post translationally in terminally differentiated keratinocytes of the stratum corneum. Cytokeratin peptide 5 (58 kDa) is the primary type II keratin in stratified epithelia, while cytokeratin type 8 (52 kDa) is a major type II keratin in simple epithelia. Cytokeratin 6 (56 kDa) is a hyperproliferation cytokeratin expressed in tissues with natural or pathological high turnover. Monoclonal antibodies to cytokeratins are specific markers of epithelial cell differentiation and have been widely used as tools in tumor identification and classification.

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