Merck D1000 Handheld Homogenizer, includes 5 mm flat bottom generator probe and 7 mm saw tooth generator probe

D1000 Handheld Homogenizer, includes 5 mm flat bottom generator probe and 7 mm saw tooth generator probe

AC/DC input 115 V AC, US 3-pin plug


operating temperature +4 ‑ 65 °C
speed 8500 ‑ 30000 rpm
For volumes from 100μl to 250ml
Supplied with both 5mm & 7mm generator probes
< 70 dB(A) Noise level


pkg of 1


Benchmark Scientific D1000


1.89 in. (4.5 cm) × 2.3 in. (5.8 cm) × 9 in. (22.5 cm)


1.35 lb (0.62 kg)


0.1-250 mL

Benchmark′s new handheld homogenizer, the D1000, is designed to rapidly homogenize, emulsify, suspend and disrupt biological samples. Ideal for use with microtubes, the homogenizer works well with samples from 0.1ml to 250ml (depending upon the generator probe used).

The D1000 is a rotor stator homogenizer, and works by drawing the sample, in liquid, into the generator probe with the variable speed rotor, and then forcing it out through
the slots in the stator. This achieves mechanical shearing of the sample. As the sample is repeatedly drawn up and forced through the stator, additional shearing takes place.
Most samples are completely homogenized in 30 seconds are less. A powerful, 130W motor drives the rotor at speeds from 8,500 to 30,000 rpm. Speed is adjustable in six
steps to meet sample processing needs. A separate on/off switch allows the homogenizer to be left at the appropriate setting.

Generator probes are available in four sizes. The 5mm and 7mm diameter have a 50mm length for use with samples in microbtubes. The 10mm x 115mm is ideal
for use with 15 and 50ml tubes and 14mm x 130 mm, for 50ml tubes and vessels up to 250ml. The unit is supplied with one each of the 5mm and 7mm generator probes.
All the generator probes are made of stainless steel and can be sterilized by autoclaving.

배송/결제/교환/반품 안내

배송 정보

기본 배송비
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교환/반품 배송비
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결제 및 환불 안내

결제 방법
  • - 신용카드
  • - 가상계좌
  • - 연구비카드 결제 (결제링크 문자+이메일 전송)
  • - 세금계산서 (기업은행 033-502993-01-019)
  • - 세금계산서 (신한은행 100-032-703829)
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교환 및 반품 접수

교환 및 반품 접수 기한
  • - 상품 수령일로부터 7일 이내
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교환 및 반품 신청

교환 절차
  • - 상품 불량/오배송/상품파손
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