Merck QCM ECMatrix Cell Invasion Assay, 24-well (8 µm), colorimetric

QCM ECMatrix Cell Invasion Assay, 24-well (8 µm), colorimetric

The CHEMICON Cell Invasion Assay Kit uses a 24-well plate, with 8 um pores, which provides an efficient system for evaluating the invasion of tumor cells through a basement membrane model.

Quality Level


species reactivity





cell based assay: suitable

detection method


배송 상태

wet ice

Also available: Cell Comb Scratch Assay! Get biochemical data from a scratch assay!Click Here

Invasion through the extracellular matrix (ECM) is an important step in tumor metastasis. Cancer cells initiate invasion by adhering to and spreading along the blood vessel wall. Proteolytic enzymes, such as MMP collagenases, dissolve tiny holes in the sheath-like covering (basement membrane) surrounding the blood vessels to allow cancer cells to invade.

The CHEMICON Cell Invasion Assay Kit provides an efficient system for evaluating the invasion of tumor cells through a basement membrane model. The kit utilizes ECMatrix, a reconstituted basement membrane matrix of proteins derived from the Engelbreth Holm-Swarm (EHS) mouse tumor. We examined the kit′s performance using human fibrosarcoma (HT-1080) and non-invasive fibroblasts (NIH3T3).

The CHEMICON Cell Invasion Assay Kit is ideal for evaluation of invasive tumor cells. Each CHEMICON Cell Invasion Assay Kit contains sufficient reagents for the evaluation of 12 samples.

The CHEMICON Cell Invasion Assay Kit is intended for research use only; not for diagnostic or therapeutic applications.

Test Principle:

The CHEMICON Cell Invasion Assay is performed in an Invasion Chamber, a 24-well tissue culture plate with 12 cell culture inserts. The inserts contain an 8 μm pore size polycarbonate membrane, over which a thin layer of ECMatrixTM is dried. The ECM layer occludes the membrane pores, blocking non-invasive cells from migrating through. Invasive cells, on the other hand, migrate through the ECM layer and cling to the bottom of the polycarbonate membrane.


The CHEMICON Cell Invasion Assay Kit is ideal for evaluation of invasive tumor cells. Each CHEMICON Cell Invasion Assay Kit contains sufficient reagents for the evaluation of 12 samples.

The CHEMICON Cell Invasion Assay Kit is intended for research use only; not for diagnostic or therapeutic applications.

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