Waters GlycoWorks RapiFluor-MS N-Glycan Starter Kit with ACQUITY Premier UPLC Glycan BEH Column - 96 samples

상품 옵션 정보
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176005243-Waters 176005243 GlycoWorks RapiFluor-MS N-Glycan Starter Kit with ACQUITY Premier UPLC Glycan BEH Column - 96 samples pk재고문의pk0-0

제품 설명

Re-imagine a streamlined, fast, and highly sensitive way to analyze released N-glycans. With just 3 easy steps in as little as 30 minutes, the GlycoWorks RapiFluor-MS N-Glycan Kit reduces complicated, time-consuming sample preparation. RapiFluor-MS`s (RFMS) unique chemical attributes provide increased fluorescence quantification and supreme mass spectral response. Now you can use a single label that provides valuable information from characterization to routine monitoring. Glycan analysis just got easier and more sensitive. This starter kit includes the GlycoWorks Deglycosylation Module, GlycoWorks Labeling Module, GlycoWorks Clean-up Module, GlycoWorks Sample Collection Module, as well as the ACQUITY UPLC Glycan BEH Amide, 1.7 m, 2.1 x 150 Column and Mobile-Phase Concentrate: Ammonium Formate. It contains materials to process 96 samples in a 4x24 format. The kit contains: GlycoWorks Deglycosylation Module: (4) 0.035 ml/vial Rapid PNGaseF Enzyme (4) 0.25 ml/vial Glycoworks Rapid Buffer (4) 10 mg/vial RapiGest SF Surfactant (1) Intact mAb Mass Check Standard *Shipped in a separate box GlycoWorks RapiFluor-MS Labeling Module: (4) 23 mg/vial RapiFluor-MS Reagent (4) 1 ml/vial Reagent Solvent (Anhydrous DMF) GlycoWorks RFMS Clean-up Module: (4) 5 ml/vial Elution Buffer (200mM Ammonium Acetate 95/5 Water/ACN pH 7) (4) 3 ml/vial Sample Diluent (DMF/ACN Mixture) (1) GlycoWorks HILIC µElution Plate GlycoWorks Sample Collection Module: (15) 1 mL tubes for deglycosylation and labeling reaction (15) 600 uL tube inserts for SPE eluate collection (15) Cap strips with slits for direct injection (1) 1 mL round collection tray (1) Waste tray Extras: (1) 5050 mM Ammonium Formate Solution—Glycan Analysis (186007081) (1) ACQUITY Premier UPLC Glycan BEH Amide Column, 130 Å, 1.7 µm, 2.1 x 150 mm (186009549) (1) RapiFluor-MS Glycan Performance Test Standard

The Deglycosylation Module and standards will ship cold chain. All other modules will ship at room temperature.


  • Number of Analysis 96
  • Type Sample Preparation Workflow
  • Separation Mode HILIC
  • Detection Method HRMS, MS, MS/MS, UV
  • Storage Condition Refer to the storage recommendations of each sub-package
  • 시스템 유형 LC-MS
  • Shelf Life Refer to the storage recommendations of each sub-package
  • UNSPSC 41116104
  • 응용 글라이칸
  • 브랜드 GlycoWorks
  • 제품 유형 응용 키트
  • Units per Package 1 pk

배송/결제/교환/반품 안내

배송 정보

기본 배송비
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교환/반품 배송비
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결제 및 환불 안내

결제 방법
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  • - 세금계산서 (신한은행 100-032-703829)
  • - 상품 결제 후 최대 60일 이내 제공 완료
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교환 및 반품 접수

교환 및 반품 접수 기한
  • - 상품 수령일로부터 7일 이내
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교환 및 반품 신청

교환 절차
  • - 상품 불량/오배송/상품파손
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