Takara Ligands for chemically induced dimerization (CID)

상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호설명상태단위가격가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니 / 찜
635095Takara 635095 A/C Heterodimerizer, 5 x 5 mg pk재고문의pk5,495,0006,044,500

These small-molecule ligands for use with iDimerize Systems are supplied either lyophilized or prealiquoted in ethanol. More information on each ligand can be viewed by clicking the more button.

These small-molecule ligands for use with iDimerize Systems are supplied either lyophilized or prealiquoted in ethanol. More information on each ligand can be viewed by clicking the more button.

B/B Homodimerizer (identical to AP20187)

The B/B Homodimerizer (AP20187) is a synthetic, cell-permeable ligand that can be used to induce homodimerization of fusion proteins containing the DmrB domain. The B/B Homodimerizer has been tested in vitro and in mice. It is nontoxic. We suggest testing various B/B Homodimerizer concentrations within the recommended range (0.01–100 nM for in vitro use or 0.005–10 mg/kg in mice) in order to obtain a complete dose-response profile. This homodimerizer has been widely used to study signal transduction pathways (by inducing oligomerization of cell surface receptor proteins), but it can be used to induce the activity/re-localization of any protein that is affected by oligomerization. The B/B Homodimerizer is identical to the AP20187 ligand, which was previously supplied by ARIAD Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

B/B Washout Ligand (for use with the iDimerize Inducible Homodimer Systems)

B/B Washout Ligand is a membrane-permeant ligand that dissociates protein interactions induced by the B/B Homodimerizer (t1/2 of ~10 minutes after adding it to target cells treated with B/B Homodimerizer).

A/C Heterodimerizer (identical to AP21967)

The A/C Heterodimerizer (AP21967) is a cell-permeable ligand used to induce heterodimerization of two different fusion proteins containing the DmrA and DmrC domains, respectively. The A/C Heterodimerizer has been tested in vitro and in mice. It is nontoxic to cells at up to 1 µM concentrations and in mice at up to 30 mg/kg. We suggest testing various A/C Heterodimerizer concentrations within the recommended range (0.05 nM–500 nM for in vitro use) in order to obtain a complete dose-response profile. The A/C Heterodimerizer is identical to the AP21967 ligand, which was previously supplied by ARIAD Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

D/D Solubilizer (functionally equivalent to AP21998)

The D/D Solubilizer is a synthetic, cell-permeable ligand that can be used with the iDimerize Reverse Dimerization System to disrupt oligomerization of fusion proteins containing the DmrD domain. This ligand has been tested in vitro and in mice for applications including inducible secretion of proteins. It is nontoxic. We suggest testing various D/D Solubilizer concentrations within the recommended range (10–500 nM) for different lengths of time (30 minutes to 12+ hours) in order to obtain a complete dose-response profile. The D/D Solubilizer performs the same function as the AP21998 ligand, which was previously supplied by ARIAD Pharmaceuticals, Inc. It is a different molecule than AP21998.

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