CelCulture® CO2 Incubator with Cooling System

CelCulture® with Cooling System

Different cells require different temperatures for optimum growth for instance, mammalian cells thrive at 37oC, while insect cells grow best at around 27oC and thus a CO2 incubator with the capacity to run at a wide range of temperatures is highly advantageous for multiple applications.

CelCulture® CO2 Incubator with Integrated Cooling System provides solution for highly specialized application. The integrated cooling system allows studies of samples that requires temperature at/or below ambient temperature.

Wider Temperature Range
Temperature range of 12°C below ambient to 60°C above ambient means wider range of applications.

Highly Efficient, Environmentally Friendly Peltier Cooling System
This provides precise heating and cooling inside the chamber making sure that your samples are safe from temperature changes.

Complete Contamination Control Methods
-90 °C validated moist heat decontamination cycle
-ULPA filter
-ISOCIDE® anti-microbial coating
-0.2 micron in-line filter

IR Sensor Model with Integrated Cooling System

Models Description
CCL-170-B-8-P CelCulture Incubator, 170L, IR sensor, CO2 control, Moist Heat Decon, Peltier System, 230VAC, 50/60 Hz
CCL-170-B-9-P CelCulture Incubator, 170L, IR sensor, CO2 control, Moist Heat Decon, Peltier System, 115VAC, 50/60 Hz

Suppressed O2 Model with Integrated Cooling System

Models Description
CCL-170-T-8-P CelCulture Incubator, 170L, IR sensor, CO2 control, O2 control, Moist Heat Decon, Peltier System, 230VAC, 50/60 Hz
CCL-170-T-9-P CelCulture Incubator, 170L, IR sensor, CO2 control, O2 control, Moist Heat Decon, Peltier System, 115VAC, 50/60 Hz


COA-1001 Humidity Display, Factory Installed
COA-1001-F Humidity Display, Field Install Kit
COA-1002 CO2 Backup (Tank Switcher), Factory Installed
COA-1002-F CO2 Backup (Tank Switcher), Field Installed
COA-1004 Reversed Door Swing, Factory Installed
COA-1005 Analog Outputs, Factory Installed
COA-1005-F Analog Outputs, Field Installed
COA-1006 Sealed Inner Door Kit for 170L (4 Glass Doors With Latches), Factory Installed
COA-1006-F Sealed Inner Door Kit (4 Glass Doors With Latches), Field Installed
COA-1007 N2 Backup (Tank Switcher), Factory Installed
COA-1007-F N2 Backup (Tank Switcher), Factory Installed


COA-2001-F Roller Base (170L)
COA-2002-F Floor Stand 200mm (8.0") With Adjustable Feet (170L)
COA-2003-F Floor Stand 700mm (27.6") With Casters (170L)
COA-2005-F 2-Stage Gas Regulator for CO2/N2

Choose One of The Connectors Below:

-1080588 - CGA 320 Connector (US Standard)

-1080589 - BP-BS34-#8-NT4 Connector (British Standard)

-1080590 - G5/8-RH Connector (China Standard)
COA-2007-F Extra Shelf (170L, Stainless Steel)
COA-2008-F Stacking Kit (One Set Included With Every Unit Purchased)
COA-2010-F Electronic CO2 Analyzer, For CO2/O2 Temp Measurement (With Temp. Probe)
COA-2016-F Electronic CO2 + O2 Analyzer, For CO2/O2 Temp Measurement (With Temp. Probe)
COA-2017-F Electronic CO2 + O2 + RH Analyzer, For CO2/O2/RH/Temp Measurement (With Temp. Probe)
COA-2011-F IQ/OQ Documentation
COA-2012-F 6" Chart Recorder, Temp, 115/230VAC 50/60HZ
COA-2013-F 8" Chart Recorder, Temp/Temp, 115/230VAC 50/60HZ
COA-2014-F 6" Chart Recorder, Temp/RH, 115/230VAC 50/60HZ
COA-2015-F Inner Door Shelving Kit (4 Sets With Total 12 Mini Shelves For One Incubator)
5250001 Voyager Software Kit


Wider Temperature Range
Temperature range of 12°C below ambient to 60°C above ambient means wider range of applications.

Highly Efficient, Environmentally Friendly Peltier Cooling System
This provides precise heating and cooling inside the chamber making sure that your samples are safe from temperature changes.

Complete Contamination Control Methods
-90 °C validated moist heat decontamination cycle
-ULPA filter
-ISOCIDE® anti-microbial coating
-0.2 micron in-line filter


IR Sensor Model with Integrated Cooling System

Models Description
CCL-170-B-8-P CelCulture Incubator, 170L, IR sensor, CO2 control, Moist Heat Decon, Peltier System, 230VAC, 50/60 Hz
CCL-170-B-9-P CelCulture Incubator, 170L, IR sensor, CO2 control, Moist Heat Decon, Peltier System, 115VAC, 50/60 Hz

Suppressed O2 Model with Integrated Cooling System

Models Description
CCL-170-T-8-P CelCulture Incubator, 170L, IR sensor, CO2 control, O2 control, Moist Heat Decon, Peltier System, 230VAC, 50/60 Hz
CCL-170-T-9-P CelCulture Incubator, 170L, IR sensor, CO2 control, O2 control, Moist Heat Decon, Peltier System, 115VAC, 50/60 Hz



COA-1001 Humidity Display, Factory Installed
COA-1001-F Humidity Display, Field Install Kit
COA-1002 CO2 Backup (Tank Switcher), Factory Installed
COA-1002-F CO2 Backup (Tank Switcher), Field Installed
COA-1004 Reversed Door Swing, Factory Installed
COA-1005 Analog Outputs, Factory Installed
COA-1005-F Analog Outputs, Field Installed
COA-1006 Sealed Inner Door Kit for 170L (4 Glass Doors With Latches), Factory Installed
COA-1006-F Sealed Inner Door Kit (4 Glass Doors With Latches), Field Installed
COA-1007 N2 Backup (Tank Switcher), Factory Installed
COA-1007-F N2 Backup (Tank Switcher), Factory Installed


COA-2001-F Roller Base (170L)
COA-2002-F Floor Stand 200mm (8.0") With Adjustable Feet (170L)
COA-2003-F Floor Stand 700mm (27.6") With Casters (170L)
COA-2005-F 2-Stage Gas Regulator for CO2/N2

Choose One of The Connectors Below:

-1080588 - CGA 320 Connector (US Standard)

-1080589 - BP-BS34-#8-NT4 Connector (British Standard)

-1080590 - G5/8-RH Connector (China Standard)
COA-2007-F Extra Shelf (170L, Stainless Steel)
COA-2008-F Stacking Kit (One Set Included With Every Unit Purchased)
COA-2010-F Electronic CO2 Analyzer, For CO2/O2 Temp Measurement (With Temp. Probe)
COA-2016-F Electronic CO2 + O2 Analyzer, For CO2/O2 Temp Measurement (With Temp. Probe)
COA-2017-F Electronic CO2 + O2 + RH Analyzer, For CO2/O2/RH/Temp Measurement (With Temp. Probe)
COA-2011-F IQ/OQ Documentation
COA-2012-F 6" Chart Recorder, Temp, 115/230VAC 50/60HZ
COA-2013-F 8" Chart Recorder, Temp/Temp, 115/230VAC 50/60HZ
COA-2014-F 6" Chart Recorder, Temp/RH, 115/230VAC 50/60HZ
COA-2015-F Inner Door Shelving Kit (4 Sets With Total 12 Mini Shelves For One Incubator)
5250001 Voyager Software Kit

배송/결제/교환/반품 안내

배송 정보

기본 배송비
  • - 배송비 3,850원 (부가세 포함)
  • - 10만원 이상 구매시 배송비 무료
  • - 도서산간 및 제주를 포함한 일부 지역 추가비용 발생
  • - 장비의 경우 추가 배송비 및 설치비가 청구 될 수 있습니다
교환/반품 배송비
  • - 상품 별로 상이
착불 배송비
  • - 착불 적용 상품에 개별 부과 (상품 별로 상이)
교환/반품 배송비
  • - 상품 별로 상이

결제 및 환불 안내

결제 방법
  • - 신용카드
  • - 가상계좌
  • - 연구비카드 결제 (결제링크 문자+이메일 전송)
  • - 세금계산서 (기업은행 033-502993-01-019)
  • - 세금계산서 (신한은행 100-032-703829)
  • - 취소 접수 후 3 ~ 5일 이내 환불 처리
  • - 반품 접수 후 3 ~ 5일 이내 환불 처리
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      사전에 상품 등의 대금을 받은 경우에는 대금을 받은 날로부터 3영업일 이내에 환급하거나 환급에 필요한 조치를 취합니다.

교환 및 반품 접수

교환 및 반품 접수 기한
  • - 상품 수령일로부터 7일 이내
교환 및 반품 접수가 가능한 경우
  • - 제품의 하자는 없지만, 다른 상품으로 교환하거나 반품 원하는 경우
     (배송비 고객 부담)
  • - 상품자체 불량 및 하자에 의한 경우
  • - 상품 오배송에 의한 경우
교환 및 반품 접수가 불가능한 경우
  • - 상품 수령 후 7일을 초과한 경우
  • - 개별 포장 상품의 포장을 훼손한 경우
  • - 고객의 고의적인 귀책으로 상품가치가 훼손된 경우
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  • - 주문 당시 재고가 없어서 해외를 통해 제품을 수입해서 구매하는 경우

교환 및 반품 신청

교환 절차
  • - 상품 불량/오배송/상품파손
  • - 전화(02-585-1342) 또는 info@cacheby.com에 상품교환 접수
반품 절차
  • - 반품할 품목을 확인 후 info@cacheby.com로 반품 신청 (수령 후 7일 이내 가능하며 이후 불가)
  • - 전달드린 주문번호와 함께 반품 상품을 포장
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  • - 택배회사 방문 시 반품 상품 전달
     (택배사의 반송장은 상품 교환이 완료될 때까지 보관해주시기 바랍니다.)
  • - 회수된 제품 확인 후 하자없을시 배송비를 제외하고 환불 처리 진행
     (환불 처리 후 입금까지 최대 2주까지 소요될 수 있습니다.)

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