사용 지점 밸브 - ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm tank-bottom valves


ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm valve brochure

ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm valve brochure

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The Weirless Radial diaphragm valve of choice

Designed for tough applications and critical processes, ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm tank-bottom valves provide the highest level of reliability and safety.

  • Five ranges of valves with 14 valve types
  • Manual or pneumatic actuators, limit switches and solenoids
  • Diaphragm materials include silicone, EPDM, Viton and PTFE with special materials for repeat steam cleaning

Lowest lifetime cost

ASEPCO tank bottom valve cutaway

1. Patented static radial shoulder seal
Supports full drainability and provides
simple, uniform sealing every time
2. Simple Tri-Clamp assembly
Makes inspection fast and easy
3. Weirless Radial diaphragm
Virtually eliminates the risk of
contamination by entrapment
4. Weld flange
Heavy-duty, extra thick flange that helps
prevent warping during installation

Delivering purity and reliability, ASEPCO Weirless Radial tank bottom valves are preferred over weir style valves which can introduce product entrapment, leakage and be high maintenance.

ASEPCO`s valves have an easy diaphragm changeover principle – taking less than a minute to complete in most circumstances.

Valve benefits include:

  • No tools needed and no special training required
  • Integrated, non-adjustable travel stops
  • Flush mount design and simple clamp assembly

Extensive testing proves reliability

Our diaphragms are USP Class VI tested and approved. They undergo extensive steam and lifetime testing using ASME BPE standard process test conditions with at least 100 hours at a continous 132-137C, with actuation every 20 minutes.

Tank-bottom valve

ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm tank-bottom valve**ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm tank-bottom valve


  • Patented radial diaphragm, eliminates entrapment for easy cleaning
  • Simple, Tri-Clamp assembly makes maintenance 80% faster
  • Truly flush mount design with no gaskets, bolts or seams
  • Integrated travel stops
  • No readjustment or retightening
  • Up to three ports for CIP/SIP or flushing while closed


ASEPCO sterilite valve

ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm sterilite valve

  • A special steam port added to our standard tank-bottom valve
  • Totally eliminates dead legs associated with steam or cleaning fluid ports on closed valve


ASEPCO tangential valve

ASEPCO radial diaphragm tangential valve

  • Use in situations where a tank valve needs to be mounted off-center
  • Easy to clean and eliminates pooling in the tank
  • Valve sizes: 0.5", 1.0", 1.5", 2.0", 2.5", 3.0", 4.0"


ASEPCO insulate valve

ASEPCO radial diaphragm insulate valve

  • Use with freeze tanks or any tank that has a critical temperature control mission
  • Extended body allows for direct welding of vessel jacket
  • Valve sizes: 0.5", 1.0", 1.5", 2.0", 2.5", 3.0", 4.0"


ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm process valve

ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm process valve

  • 90 degree process valve drains completely in three mounting positions including upside down
  • Fully CIP/SIP capable for efficient cleaning and sterilizing
  • Designed to easily fit into tight piping areas
  • Assemblies with a Tri-Clover(R) Clamp, enabling diaphragm change-outs in under a minute
  • Integral travel stops that never need adjusting
  • Available valve sizes: 0.5″, 1.0″, 1.5″, 2.0″, 3.0″, and 4.0″


ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm sample valve

ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm sample valve

  • Improved cleanability created by the angle of the fittings entering the valve body
  • Excellent drainability created by the diamond shaped inside the valve chamber
  • Allows closer jacketing to tank because fittings are angled away from vessel at a quicker rate
  • Improved tank cleanability because the diaphragm seals on the ID at the vessel wall
  • Unique ASEPCO port that allows through the chamber CIP/SIP, ensuring a truly representative sample every time
  • Simple “Sample and Steam” valve body allows full steaming while valve is closed


ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm I-Sample valve

ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm I-Sample valve

  • Diaphragm replacement can be completed in seconds
  • Designed with through-the-chamber CIP/SIP via 1/4- to 1/2-inch ports, ensuring a truly representative sample every time
  • USP Class VI EPDM or Silicone diaphragm
  • Improved tank cleanability, because the diaphragm seals on the ID at the vessel wall
  • Integral non-adjustable travel stops


ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm divert valves

ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm divert valve

  • Flush mount design
  • Simple clamp assembly
  • Change diaphragms in seconds
  • Integral travel stops
  • Fewer valve assemblies
  • Minimizes distances between each valve seat (fewer and shorter dead legs)
  • Self-draining with full CIP/SIP capability
  • Available valve sizes: 0.5″, 1.0″, 2.0″, 2.5″, and 3.0″


ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm point-of-use valves

The ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm™ Point-of-use valve

  • Valve seat flush with process line
  • Integrated elbows for connection to piping loops
  • Minimal L/D ratio enables easy cleaning
  • Flush-mounted to the tank, no dead legs or dead spaces
  • Easy to clean and self-draining by design
  • Assembles with a clamp, enabling diaphragm change-outs in under a minute
  • Integral travel stops that never need adjusting
  • Can be CIP/SIP to eliminate caking
  • Available valve sizes: 0.5″, 0.75″, 1.0″, 1.5″, and 2.0″

Zero dead leg

ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm zero dead leg valve

ASEPCO Weirless Radial diaphragm Zero dead leg valve

  • Drains completely, because unlike other designs, our valves have no pockets
  • Improves cleanability
  • Eliminates hold up, because the tip of the diaphragm seals on the ID of the line tubing
  • Flush mount design
  • CIP/SIP capable for easy, repeatable cleaning and sterilization
  • Fits into tight piping areas
  • Simple clamp assembly
  • Change diaphragms in under a minute
  • Integral non-adjustable travel stops


ASEPCO retrofit valveASEPCO radial diaphragm retrofit valve

  • Use to add Asepco valves to existing tanks
  • Many different designs to fit your specific situation
  • Valve sizes: 0.5", 1.0", 1.5", 2.0", 2.5", 3.0", 4.0"


ASEPCO actuators

The AKS actuator series** for tank valves is a durable, easy to maintain actuator made of a plastic housing and stainless steel diaphragm interface. The resulting actuator is a hygienic design which is GMP-compliant.

Our tank valve actuators are also available in the AJS actuator series an all stainless steel actuator providing all the same performance, but in a heavy-duty package.

Both versions offer manual and pneumatic options, are provided with laser-etched serial numbers for traceability, and carry a market-leading three year warranty. It is straightforward to add automation to the pneumatic versions by mounting switches or controllers from any manufacturer.

Work with all manufacturers linear switches and controllers (i.e. Westlock, Stonel, Burkert, etc.)

**AKS actuator series only available on 0.5-1.5" sizes


Aspeco diaphragm

Eight materials cope with virtually every temperature, pressure and chemical challenge in the food and biopharm industries.

Materials include:

  • Silicone
  • EPDM
  • Silicone plus
  • EPDM plus
  • Viton A
  • Viton A (steam resistent)
  • Viton GF
  • PTFE

All diaphragms are laser-etched with cure dates and batch numbers, ensuring that they are completely traceable.



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