Takara Adenovirus titration kits

상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호CAS 번호설명상태단위판매가할인가가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니 / 찜
632250-Takara 632250 Adeno-X™ Rapid Titer Kit, 120 Titrations pk재고문의pk0-0
632252-Takara 632252 Adeno-X™ qPCR Titration Kit, Each pk재고문의pk0-0
632270-Takara 632270 Adeno-X™ GoStix™, 20 Tests pk재고문의pk0-0

* The Adeno-X Rapid Titer Kit allows functional, hexon-based adenovirus titration.

  • The Adeno-X qPCR Titration Kit allows ultra-fast adenovirus titration using quantitative PCR.

  • Each Adeno-X GoStix cassette is a sensitive instant test to detect adenovirus early during amplification and to determine the optimum harvest time.

  • The Adeno-X Rapid Titer Kit allows functional, hexon-based adenovirus titration

  • The Adeno-X qPCR Titration Kit allows ultra-fast adenovirus titration using quantitative PCR

  • Each Adeno-X GoStix cassette is a sensitive instant test to detect adenovirus early during amplification and to determine the optimum harvest time

Adeno-X Rapid Titer Kit

This kit is designed around a hexon-specific antibody, which is used to label infected cells. Hexon protein is encoded by the adenoviral genome and is an essential component of the adenoviral capsid required for adenoviral replication, but its expression depends on the E1 gene product. Thus, E1 trans-complementing cell types such as HEK 293 can be used to measure infectious activity because only infected cells will produce the hexon protein. The rapid titer assay takes 1–2 hours to set up and another 3 hours (two days later) to label, stain, and count infected cells. Each stained cell corresponds to a single infectious unit.

Adeno-X qPCR Titration Kit

The Adeno-X qPCR Titration Kit provides a fast, simple, and accurate method for titrating adenoviral stocks from all Ad5-based adenoviral vectors, including recombinant adenovirus created with our Adeno-X expression systems. The protocol combines qPCR and TB Green chemistry, allowing you to determine the viral genome copy number in adenoviral preparations (i.e., crude lysates or purified stocks) from a calibrated DNA standard curve. The kit delivers results in just 4 hours, and because qPCR titration is so fast, target cells can be infected with accurately titrated virus on the same day the virus is harvested.

Adeno-X GoStix

Adeno-X GoStix will rapidly (~10 min) tell you if you are ready to go with your adenovirus prep and is ideal for determining the best time to harvest your virus following amplification. Simply apply 20 µl of culture supernatant to the GoStix cassette, chase it through with four drops of buffer and wait 2–20 min for a band to appear in the window of the cassette. The amount of adenovirus detected in the supernatant correlates strongly with adenovirus production inside the cells. Each test is sensitive enough to detect adenovirus in a small amount of crude supernatant and is also used to ensure maximum yields during the adenovirus amplification process (we employ these same test cassettes to determine the optimum time to harvest virus from infected cells). Just 20 µl of supernatant is tested each day following infection of HEK 293 cells. The presence of a strong band in the cassette window ensures that high-titer adenovirus is harvested at the peak time.

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