Himedia HiKaryoXL RPMI Medium w/ L-Glutamine, FBS, Penicillin, Streptomycin and Sodium bicarbonate w/o PHA-M
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카탈로그 번호 | CAS 번호 | 설명 | 상태 | 단위 | 판매가 | 할인가 | 가격(VAT포함) | 수량 / 장바구니 / 찜 |
AL173A-100ML | - | Himedia AL173A-100ML HiKaryoXL RPMI Medium w/ L-Glutamine, FBS, Penicillin, Streptomycin and Sodium bicarbonate w/o PHA-M pk | 재고문의 | pk | 90,000원 | - | 99,000원 |
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HiKaryoXL™ RPMI Medium w/ L-Glutamine, FBS, Penicillin, Streptomycin and Sodium bicarbonate w/o PHA-M
Cytogenetic studies include metaphase and pro-metaphase studies carried out on lymphocytes to detect chromosomal aberrations associated with structural and numerical abnormalities. Lymphocytes come from normal peripheral blood and are mitotically inactive, hence have to be stimulated with a mitogen such as Phytohemagglutinin M(PHA-M) or Phytohemagglutinin P(PHA-P). AL173A is composed of a basal medium RPMI 1640 and supplemented with L-glutamine, FBS, penicillin, streptomycin and sodium bicarbonate. Is does not contain PHA-M or PHA-P.
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