Merck Monoclonal Anti-Lamin A/C antibody produced in mouse

상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호CAS 번호설명상태단위판매가할인가가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니 / 찜
SAB4200236-200UL-Merck SAB4200236-200UL Monoclonal Anti-Lamin A/C antibody produced in mouse, 200uL pk재고문의pk1,046,640-1,151,304
SAB4200236-25UL-Merck SAB4200236-25UL Monoclonal Anti-Lamin A/C antibody produced in mouse, 25uL pk재고문의pk202,650-222,915

Monoclonal Anti-Lamin A/C antibody produced in mouse

clone 4C11, purified from hybridoma cell culture

Anti-CMD1A, Anti-LMNA, Anti-LMNC, Anti-IDC, Anti-CDDC, Anti-CDCD1, Anti-EMD2, Anti-LDP1, Anti-PRO1, Anti-FPLD, Anti-HGPS, Anti-FPL, Anti-CMT2B1, Anti-LMN1, Anti-LMNL1, Anti-renal carcinoma antigen NY-REN-32, Anti-LFP, Anti-LGMD1B

Lamin A is a structural protein of the nuclear lamina, a meshwork of intermediate filaments that underlies the inner face of the nuclear envelope. The major components of the nuclear lamina are the lamins that may be classified into two types, A and B. Both A- and B- type lamins are characterized by an a-helical rod domain to enable assembly into filaments, a nuclear localization sequence, and a C-terminal CAAX box isoprenylation sequence for nuclear membrane targeting. A-type lamins, A and C, are produced by alternative splicing resulting in proteins of 664 and 572 amino acids, respectively. The first 566 amino acids of Lamins A and C are identical. Prelamin A, the precursor of Lamin A, has 98 unique amino acids and is farnesylated at its carboxy terminus after synthesis. The last 18 amino acids, which contain the farnesyl group, are removed by an endoproteolytic cleavage, producing the mature Lamin A. Monoclonal Anti-Lamin A/C (mouse IgG2a isotype) is derived from the hybridoma 4C11 produced by the fusion of mouse myeloma cells and splenocytes from BALB/c mice immunized with the Ig-fold domain of human Lamin A.

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