Rat Laminin-5

Quality Level


생물학적 소스



>95% (SDS-PAGE)






cell culture | mammalian: suitable


sample type epithelial cells
sample type: mouse embryonic stem cell(s)
sample type mesenchymal stem cell(s)
sample type hematopoietic stem cell(s)
sample type induced pluripotent stem cell(s)
sample type pancreatic stem cell(s)
sample type neural stem cell(s)

UniProt 수납 번호


배송 상태

dry ice

저장 온도


Gene Information

rat ... Lama5(140433)

Laminin-5 is a basement membrane extracellular matrix macromolecule that provides an attachment substrate for both adhesion and migration in a wide variety of cell types, including epithelial cells, fibroblasts, neurons and leukocytes. It is a natural substrate for cells in contact with basement membranes, including epidermal and oral keratinocytes, gastro-intestinal tract, mammary and prostate epithelial cells. These cells, compared to fibronectin, collagen, or vitronectin, will adhere to Laminin-5 faster and spread to a larger extent. Laminin-5 can be used, in most applications, at coating concentrations in the 1 mg/ml or lower range, approximately 10-fold lower than most extracellular matrix macromolecules. Laminin-5 is attracting attention as a substrate that may stimulate carcinoma cell migration, since it has been detected at the leading edge of invasive cancer tissue in several types of human carcinomas. Receptors for Laminin-5 include integrins a3b1 and a6b4. The latter integrin is specialized in forming hemidesmosomes, which provide resistance to mechanical stress in many epithelia, including skin and gut. More recently, cell surface proteoglycans, such as syndecan-4, have been identified as receptors for Laminin-5. The structural and functional properties of Laminin-5 are well conserved across species. For instance, human cells adhere equally well to human and rat laminin-5. For most purposes, human and rat Laminin-5 are interchangeable, likely based on the fact that integrin receptor specificity is largely conserved across species.

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