상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호CAS 번호설명상태단위판매가할인가가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니 / 찜
Z742001-1EA-Merck Z742001-1EA Low Profile Roller, 1 EA pk재고문의pk3,477,180-3,824,898

Low Profile Roller

Lab Start-Up Kit

AC/DC input

94 V / 240 V AC (Power Cords - 115V US and 230V European)


Includes Five Replacement Rollers (Z367737) and bag of assorted o-rings



플렛폼 크기

12 in. × 12 in.

The IBI Low Profile Roller is a lightweight unit designed as a compact, space saving, non-dedicated instrument. This unit will operate on a benchtop, inside high humidity and CO2incubators, high temperature ovens (60°C), and refrigerators (0°C). The IBI Low Profile Roller comes standard with six rollers in place for rotating three large cell culture bottles. The versatility of this unit allows the user to add up to five additional rollers quickly and easily. No tools are needed to move or add rollers. Moving rollers closer together or adding more rollers allows this system to roll small tubes from 15mL to 50mL. Rubber O-Rings to be placed on the small tubes are included with every unit.

The low profile design provides a convenient fit into laboratory incubators, ovens, and refrigerated units. The thin, flat 115V power cord fits easily through incubator doors without compromising the environment inside. An industrial grade chain drive provides years of trouble-free service. All product finishes are resistant to chemicals and easy to clean and sterilize. The rollers can be easily removed for simple cleaning and adjusting to accommodate different tube sizes. The cool-running, brushless DC motor creates no ozone, and the universal input voltage allows the unit to operate at 90VAC to 240VAC. The roller provides a wide operational temperature range (0-60°C), and the ability to operate in high humidity (up to 97%) and CO2.

The Low Profile Roller Lab Start-Up Kit comes with eleven rollers for rolling up to 20 small tubes ranging in size from 15 to 50mL. Each Lab Start-Up Kit comes with a bag of assorted O-rings to be placed on the tubes to ensure they are level and remain in place on the roller.

The Low Profile Roller was previously manufactured by Stovall Scientific. All IBI accessories and replacement parts are compatible with the Stovall Low Profile Roller.

배송/결제/교환/반품 안내

배송 정보

기본 배송비
  • - 배송비 3,850원 (부가세 포함)
  • - 10만원 이상 구매시 배송비 무료
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교환/반품 배송비
  • - 상품 별로 상이
착불 배송비
  • - 착불 적용 상품에 개별 부과 (상품 별로 상이)
교환/반품 배송비
  • - 상품 별로 상이

결제 및 환불 안내

결제 방법
  • - 신용카드
  • - 가상계좌
  • - 연구비카드 결제 (결제링크 문자+이메일 전송)
  • - 세금계산서 (기업은행 033-502993-01-019)
  • - 세금계산서 (신한은행 100-032-703829)
  • - 상품 결제 후 최대 60일 이내 제공 완료
  • - 취소 접수 후 3 ~ 5일 이내 환불 처리
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교환 및 반품 접수

교환 및 반품 접수 기한
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교환 및 반품 접수가 가능한 경우
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교환 및 반품 신청

교환 절차
  • - 상품 불량/오배송/상품파손
  • - 전화(02-585-1342) 또는 info@cacheby.com에 상품교환 접수
반품 절차
  • - 반품할 품목을 확인 후 info@cacheby.com로 반품 신청 (수령 후 7일 이내 가능하며 이후 불가)
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     (택배사의 반송장은 상품 교환이 완료될 때까지 보관해주시기 바랍니다.)
  • - 회수된 제품 확인 후 하자없을시 배송비를 제외하고 환불 처리 진행
     (환불 처리 후 입금까지 최대 2주까지 소요될 수 있습니다.)

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