Merck SealMate system for adhesive microplate-sealing films

상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호CAS 번호설명상태단위판매가할인가가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니 / 찜
Z726079-8EA-Merck Z726079-8EA재고문의pk798,740-878,614
Z726079-2EA-Merck Z726079-2EA SealMate system for adhesive microplate-sealing films, 2 EA pk재고문의pk226,280-248,908

SealMate™ system for adhesive microplate-sealing films

AeraSeal™ rolls, non-sterile

sealing film, microplate sealing film, multiwell plate sealing film


Rayon film
clear polypropylene plate
clear wells




pack of 2 ea
case of 8 ea


Excel Scientific RSMB-2

너비 × 길이

8.26 cm × 5 m


Up to 1536 wells



Excel Scientific′s unique SealMate™ system provides a convenient new method for sealing standard-format microplates with adhesive films. The system includes a molded polypropylene dispenser with a hinged clamshell design and sealing films supplied in a novel sheeted-roll configuration.

The SealMate™ dispenser provides a protective enclosure for films on the roll prior to dispensing. It can be opened, permitting insertion of a new roll, then closed and latched securely by means of clasps at each side of its film-dispensing bill. ndividual films on the roll are delineated by non-adhesive color bands that serve as end-tabs for positioning the films on the microplates. The bands also act as markers to show when the end of one film has been reached so that the next film is not pulled prematurely from the dispenser. Each non-adhesive band contains two perforations, the first of which, bounded by a small indent at the edges, tears easily to separate the sheet being dispensed from the next sheet on the roll. The second perforation permits the end-tab to be removed from the plate once the film has been applied. Several unique features contribute to ease and usability of the SealMate™ dispenser. A compression-brake mechanism prevents the roll from turning as the dispensed sheet is separated from the roll. The smooth lower surface can be swept across the film once applied to the plate to assure secure sealing around all wells. Thumb and forefinger notches above and below the film at the edge of the dispensing bill provide access to the non-adhesive band to facilitate pulling the next film from the dispenser. A prop on the lower surface prevents the bill from contacting the supporting surface when the dispenser is not in use. Alternatively, the dispenser can stand on one of the hubs at the roll ends during storage. The dispenser, thus parked, provides protection and keeps unused films handy for sealing subsequent plates without the need for opening small boxes or pulling individual films from plastic bags. The SealMate™ system reduces laboratory waste because the film is rolled on itself with no extra paper or plastic liner to be discarded before sealing the plate.

SealPlate® Films

SealPlate® 38 μm thick polyester films minimize evaporation, prevent spillage and contamination between wells, and provide a secure seal, not just a cover. They are recommended for ELISA tests, general incubation, and short-term storage. Temperature range: -40 °C to +120 °C. SealPlate® films are non-pierceable. Each SealPlate® roll contains films to cover 100 microplates.
Color code: green

AeraSeal™ Films

AeraSeal™ 140 μm thick hydrophobic porous films with medical-grade adhesive provide non-cytotoxic breathable closures for tissue culture plates, bio-blocks, and 96-well plates where gas exchange is necessary for cellor bacterial growth. AeraSeal™ films allow uniform air and CO2 exchange for all wells, unlike plate lids which favor exchange for wells near plate edges. Temperature range: -20 °C to +80 °C. AeraSeal films are easily pierceable with pipets or pipet tips for sample recovery. Each AeraSeal™ roll contains films to cover 50 culture plates.
Color code: red

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