WT600S-65-속도조절형 튜브연동식 액체펌프

상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호CAS 번호설명상태단위판매가할인가가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니 / 찜
WT600S-65-Leadfluid WT600S-65 Peristaltic Pump Drive,Speed Control, 30-600 rpm, CW/CCW,100-240VAC/200W, IP65 ea재고문의ea2,800,000-3,080,000

WT600S-65 Basic Variable-Speed Peristaltic Pump

The IP65 waterproof grade WT600S-65 basic variable speed peristaltic pump provides flow rate from 3 to 6000mL/min. The large torque DC brushless motor drive is no maintenance required, and it can drive up to four pump heads. It has basic functions such as reversible direction, start/stop, full speed (for fast cleaning), adjustable speed. The basic dispensing function can easily repeat liquid dispensing by time. With MODBUS RS485 interface, the pump is easy to be controlled by external device, such as computer, human machine interface or PLC.

Flow: 3-6000mL/min
Max: 2 Channels


Functions and Features

  • Four digits LED indicator displays working speed.
  • The LED indicator shows the working mode: internal control, external control or footswitch.
  • Membrane keypad operation.
  • Reversible direction, start/stop, adjust speed and full speed, state memory (power-off memory).
  • Easy dispensing functions, it can repeat timing quantitative fluid dispensing.
  • Can drive multi-channels and various types of pump heads.
  • Stainless steel housing, easy to clean, excellent resistance to the corrosion of the acid ,alkali ,sodium and the organic solvents.
  • The circuit board with conformal coating makes it dust-proof and moisture-proof.
  • Super anti-interference feature, wide input voltage range, acceptable for the complex power environment.
  • External voltage controls start/stop, reversible direction and easy dispensing function, optically coupled isolator; external analog adjusts the rotate speed.
  • RS485 interface, MODBUS protocol is available ,easy to connect with external device.
  • Optional footswitch or timer for dispensing fluid.


  • Flow range: 3-6000 mL/min
  • Speed range: 30-600 rpm
  • Speed resolution: 1 rpm
  • Flow accuracy: 3%
  • Power supply: AC 180-264V 50Hz/60Hz (standard); AC 90-132V 50Hz/60Hz (optional)
  • Power consumption: <200W
  • External on/off control voltage: 5V, 12V (standard), 24V (optional); External control analog signal: 0-5V (standard), 0-10V, 4-20mA (optional)
  • Communication interface: RS485 MODBUS
  • Operating condition: 0-40 °C
  • Relative humidity: < 80%
  • IP grade: IP65
  • Dimensions (L x W x H): 330 x 220 x 235 mm (13.0 x 8.7 x 9.3 inch)
  • Weight: 7.1kg (15.7 lbs)

WT600S Applicable Pump Heads and Tubings, Flow Parameters

Drive type Suitable pump heads channel Tubing size (mm) Flow rate (mL/min) per channel
WT600S-65 YZ15 1 13# 14# 19# 16# 25# 17#18# 1.8-2300
2 x YZ15 2 13# 14# 19# 16# 25# 17#18# 1.8-2300
KZ25-L 1 15# 24# 35# 36# 80-6000
YT25 1 15# 24# 35# 36# 50-2900
2 x YT25 2 15# 24# 35# 36# 50-2900
Above flow parameters are obtained by using silicone tube to transfer pure water under normal temperature and pressure, in actually it is effected by specific factors such as pressure, medium, etc. Above for reference only.


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