Takara ThruPLEX DNA-Seq Kit: all-purpose DNA library preparation for Illumina NGS platforms

상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호설명상태단위판매가할인가가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니 / 찜
R400674Takara R400674 ThruPLEX® DNA-Seq Kit, 24 Rxns pk재고문의pk0-0
R400675Takara R400675 ThruPLEX® DNA-Seq Kit, 48 Rxns pk재고문의pk0-0
R400676Takara R400676 ThruPLEX® DNA-Seq Kit, 96 Rxns pk재고문의pk0-0
R400677Takara R400677 ThruPLEX® DNA-Seq Kit, 480 Rxns pk재고문의pk0-0

The ThruPLEX DNA-Seq Kit builds on innovative ThruPLEX chemistry to generate DNA libraries from as little as 50 pg of DNA, and improves sensitivity while providing up to 384 indexes for multiplexing. This kit can be used with fragmented double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) from any sample source—genomic DNA, biofluids such as cell-free DNA (cfDNA), DNA from FFPE materials, and cDNA.

The ThruPLEX DNA-Seq Kit has been reconfigured from the original versions of ThruPLEX kits and does not include indexes. Compatible Index kits are described below and can be purchased here.

The ThruPLEX DNA-Seq Kit builds on innovative ThruPLEX chemistry to generate DNA libraries from as little as 50 pg of DNA, and improves sensitivity while providing up to 384 indexes for multiplexing. This kit can be used with fragmented double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) from any sample source—genomic DNA, biofluids such as cell-free DNA (cfDNA), DNA from FFPE materials, and cDNA.

The ThruPLEX DNA-Seq Kit has been reconfigured from the original versions of ThruPLEX kits and does not include indexes. Compatible Index kits are described below and can be purchased here.

The entire ThruPLEX DNA-Seq Kit workflow is performed in a single tube or well in about two hours and requires no purification steps or sample transfers. The kit can be used in any DNA-seq application, RNA-seq, or ChIP-seq and offers robust target enrichment performance with all of the leading platforms.

DNA HT Dual Index kits

DNA HT Dual Index kits are designed for use with ThruPLEX and PicoPLEX library preparation kits to construct libraries for multiplexed sequencing on Illumina sequencers. These kits contain indexed PCR primers carrying the Illumina Nextera® XT v2 index sequences and offer a total of 384 dual indexes for multiplexing of up to 384 samples. The indexed PCR primers are supplied pre-dispensed in four different barcoded index plates, each of which contains one-fourth of the possible dual index combinations (Cat. # R400660–R400663); or in a set of 24 individual tubes, each containing a different dual index combination (Cat. # R400664). Each dual index tube (24N) contains sufficient volume for up to two uses. Each well of a dual index plate (96N Sets A–D) contains sufficient volume for a single use.

DNA Unique Dual Index kits

DNA Unique Dual Index kits are designed for use with ThruPLEX and PicoPLEX library preparation kits to construct libraries for multiplexed sequencing on Illumina sequencers. These kits contain indexed PCR primers carrying the IDT for Illumina UD index sequences and offer a total of 96 dual indexes for multiplexing of up to 96 samples. The indexed PCR primers are supplied pre-dispensed in four different sets of 24 individual tubes, each of which contains one-fourth of the possible dual index combinations (Cat. Nos. R400665–R400668). Each dual index tube (24U Sets A–D) contains sufficient volume for up to two uses.

DNA Single Index kits

DNA Single Index kits are designed for use with ThruPLEX and PicoPLEX library preparation kits to construct libraries for multiplexed sequencing on Illumina sequencers. These kits contain indexed PCR primers carrying the TruSeq LT set A index sequences and offer a total of 12 single indexes for multiplexing of up to 12 samples. The indexed PCR primers are supplied pre-dispensed in four different sets of 12 individual tubes, each containing a different index sequence (Cat. Nos. R400695 and R400697). Each single index tube (12S Sets A–B) contains sufficient volume for up to eight uses.

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