Motility Medium S Base
Motility Medium S Base is recommended for easy detection of bacterial motility by means of TTC reduction. This medium is formulated as per Ball and Sellers and is used to determine motility, gelatin liquefaction and nitrate reduction. All the tests can be determined using a single tube. Motility is observed as diffused growth away from the stab inoculation line while non-motile organisms grow along the stab line. The use of TTC aids in the visual detection of bacterial motility. Organisms having the ability to produce gelatinase digest or liquefy gelatin. Gelatin liquefaction can be determined by placing the test medium tubes in a refrigerator or ice bath, after an incubation at 35-37°C..Enterobacteriaceae family grows luxuriantlly on the media. Klebsiella aerogenes and Escherichia coli shows positive reaction for TTC and motility. While Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus mirabilis shows negative reaction for motility but positive for TTC.