Luria Bertani HiCynth™ Agar, Miller (Miller Luria Bertani HiCynth™ Agar)
Luria Bertani HiCynth™ Agar is prepared by replacing animal and vegetable peptones with chemically defined peptones to avoid BSE/TSE risks associated with animal peptones. HiCynth™ Peptone No.2 provides carbon, nitrogen compounds, long chain amino acids, while Vitamin B complex is provided by HiCynth™ Peptone No.5. Sodium chloride provides sodium ions for membrane transport and also maintains the osmotic equilibrium of the medium. It is slightly different then Lennox`s preparation with double amount of sodium chloride. The media is nutritionally rich for the growth of pure cultures of recombinant strains. It contains 1.5 % agar, hence ready to use to prepare plates.