Lee’s HiVeg™ Agar
Lee’s HiVeg™ Agar is used for differential enumerations of yoghurt starter bacteria ( Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus ).This medium described by Lee et al is used for the differential enumeration of yoghurt starter bacteria. This medium is also recommended by APHA for the same purpose. It contains sucrose, which most L. bulgaricus strains will not ferment, but S. thermophilus will, and lactose, which both species utilize. Bromocresol purple is the pH indicator, which turns yellow in acidic condition and imparts yellow colour to the colony.Lactobacillus bulgaricus shows luxuriant growth on media with white colored colony; while Streptococcus thermophilus grows luxuriantlly giving yellow colored colony. This medium is prepared by replacing animal peptones with vegetable defined peptones to avoid BSE/TSE/GMO risk.