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VSTAR22-Thermo Fisher Scientific VSTAR22 Orion Versa Star Pro 20 Conductivity Benchtop Meter With Conductivity/Temperature Module kit재고문의kit4,571,000-5,028,100
VSTAR23-Thermo Fisher Scientific VSTAR23 Versa Star Pro Conductivity Meter Upw Kit kit재고문의kit4,571,000-5,028,100
VSTAR20-Thermo Fisher Scientific VSTAR20 Orion Versa Star Pro Conductivity Benchtop Meter Each pk재고문의pk0-0

Get high accuracy, premium performance and ultimate flexibility with the Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Versa Star Pro™ Conductivity Benchtop Meter. Meet your most challenging applications for conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), salinity, resistivity and temperature. Easily view measurements on the stunning color display and customize the four meter channels with interchangeable modules. Obtain reliable, fast results with auto-ranging conductivity values and extensive temperature compensation options. Log up to 2000 data point sets with time/date and transfer to printer or computer.

Thermo Scientific Orion Versa Star Pro benchtop meters are designed to meet your most challenging application with ease. Delivering rich functionality and features, you can optimally configure your meter system to meet changing requirements. The Orion Versa Star Pro benchtop meters offer interchangeable measurement modules that allow multiple users to customize four separate channels to meet their specific requirements. Easily view your measurements on a stunning color display with adjustable text sizes. Take the guesswork out of meter calibration and setup with onscreen instructions available in a variety of local languages. Enjoy quick and simple data entry using the numeric keypad.

  • Onscreen measurement stability indicator lets you know exactly when your measurements are ready.
  • Selectable read modes include Auto-Read to hold a stable reading, Continuous to show changing readings, Timed to log data at specific intervals and Single-Shot to hold a reading after a specific wait time is reached.
  • Audible alarms automatically notify you when a set offset value, high/low limit value and calibration time interval are reached.
  • Easily access, update and switch your preferred measurement settings, using 10 password-protected methods per channel.
  • Uniformly mix solutions using up to two meter-controlled stirrer probes that are easy to position and can be quickly rinsed between samples.
  • Data log collects and date/time stamps up to 2000 measurement sets with optional electrode ID, sample ID and account ID.
  • Calibration log stores 30 most recent calibrations per parameter.
  • Ensure measurement integrity by viewing the active calibration log while taking readings.
  • Non-volatile meter memory preserves data and settings, even in the event of power loss.
  • Meter facilitates data transfers to a computer via USB or RS232 connections.
  • IP54-rated housing resists dust and splashes and can be wall-mounted if table space is limited.
  • Meters include CE, TUV 3-in-1 and FCC Class A certifications and 3-year replacement warranty.

Includes Orion Versa Star Conductivity Measurement Module:

  • Measure conductivity, TDS, salinity or resistivity with temperature.
  • Perform up to a six point conductivity calibration with calibration editing option that allows individual points to be fixed without a full recalibration.
  • Auto-ranging conductivity values offer consistent readings across entire measurement range without need to recalibrate.
  • Use linear, non-linear, EP (USP) or off conductivity temperature compensation with 5°C, 10°C, 15°C, 20°C or 25°C reference temperatures.
  • Customize measurements to show calibration history or simplify to show an extra large conductivity reading.

System Access Feature
Orion Versa Star Pro meters offer a system access feature that is designed to help ensure data integrity by preventing undesired access to various meter functions including date/time setting, data log and calibration log. The System Access feature can be easily turned on or off as the needs of your lab change for ultimate flexibility in operation and ease-of-use. When enabled, the System Access feature allows assignment of a system administrator and up to ten user accounts with customizable access to instrument settings, measurement settings, calibrations and logs. Use the password protection to secure selected meter functions, while leaving other functions accessible for all users. The System Access feature allows you to customize meter access to meet your specific security and data reporting needs.

Disclaimer to internal research use restriction: Any restrictions on the purchaser to utilize the product(s) for internal research purposes only does not apply to the product(s) on the web pages associated with this statement.

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배송 정보

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결제 및 환불 안내

결제 방법
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교환 및 반품 신청

교환 절차
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  • - 회수된 제품 확인 후 하자없을시 배송비를 제외하고 환불 처리 진행
     (환불 처리 후 입금까지 최대 2주까지 소요될 수 있습니다.)

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