Takara SMART-Seq Human BCR (with UMIs)

상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호설명상태단위가격가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니 / 찜
634776Takara 634776 SMART-Seq® Human BCR (with UMIs), 4 x 96 Rxns pk재고문의pk38,852,00042,737,200
634778Takara 634778 SMART-Seq® Human BCR (with UMIs), 96 Rxns pk재고문의pk10,792,00011,871,200
634777Takara 634777 SMART-Seq® Human BCR (with UMIs), 24 Rxns pk재고문의pk3,234,0003,557,400

SMART-Seq Human BCR (with UMIs) provides a sensitive and reproducible solution for generating high-quality NGS libraries for profiling the human BCR repertoire. The kit leverages SMART (Switching Mechanism at 5` end of RNA Template) full-length cDNA synthesis technology and pairs NGS with a 5’-RACE approach to capture the complete V(D)J variable regions of all human B-cell receptor (BCR) heavy (IgG/M/D/A/E) and light (IgK/L) chains.

SMART-Seq Human BCR (with UMIs) provides a sensitive and reproducible solution for generating high-quality NGS libraries for profiling the human BCR repertoire. The kit leverages SMART (Switching Mechanism at 5` end of RNA Template) full-length cDNA synthesis technology and pairs NGS with a 5’-RACE approach to capture the complete V(D)J variable regions of all human B-cell receptor (BCR) heavy (IgG/M/D/A/E) and light (IgK/L) chains.

The kit is designed to work with a range of RNA inputs, from as little as 10 ng to 1 µg of high-integrity (RIN >8) total RNA from PBMCs (10 ng–1 µg), purified B cells (1–100 ng), spleen or bone marrow (10 ng), or whole blood (100 ng).

Streamline your library preparation with provided premixed primer pools and enzyme premix which reduce the number of reagents and steps. The incorporation of unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) within the workflow allows for PCR error correction and clonotype quantification during data analysis. In addition, up to 384 multiplexed Illumina libraries can be created using the Unique Dual Index Kits (Cat. # 634752–56; sold separately). Easily miniaturize to reduce the price-per-reaction or automate for high-throughput workflows.

As part of a complete solution, analyze your sequencing data with our free-to-use Cogent NGS Immune Profiler Software (Cogent IP). This software enables high-quality BCR profiling analysis, including count and identification of clonotypes and sequence information for V(D)J regions. As a bonus, our cloud-based Cogent NGS Immune Viewer allows you to quickly and easily visualize and produce publication-quality tabulated outputs and figures of your data using output files from Cogent IP.

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