VELP UDK 149 Automatic Kjeldahl Nitrogen Protein Analyzer

상품 옵션 정보
카탈로그 번호CAS 번호설명상태단위판매가할인가가격(VAT포함)수량 / 장바구니 / 찜
F30200145-VELP F30200145 UDK149, Automatic Kjeldahl Distillation Unit, 자동 킬달 질소 조단백질 분석장치(전극법) set재고문의set0-0

Maximum flexibility, precision and versatility for your laboratory


The UDK 149 is designed for maximum versatility and reproducible results when determining Kjeldahl nitrogen TKN, proteins, ammoniacal nitrogen, nitric nitrogen (Devarda), TVBN, sulfites, phenols, volatile acids, cyanides, and alcohol content.

UDK 149 can be used in combination with several models of external potentiometric titrators for higher sample throughput and direct output of the final result.

  • Connection to various external titrators for automated processing and efficient operations
  • Premium result accuracy and precision
  • Programmable boric acid, water, sodium hydroxide addition
  • Selectable steam generation output level 10% – 100%
  • Auto removal of residues from sample tube
  • C lear and intuitive operations thanks to the Smart User Interface and digital display
  • Maximum safety for the operator
  • Unmatched flexibility with a wide accessory range

Efficiency and precision with potentiometric titration


The automatic Kjeldahl analyzer UDK 149 connected to the external potentiometric titrator guarantees versatility, accuracy and precision.

The combination of the UDK 149 distiller with an external potentiometric titrator offers a very convenient automatization of the Kjeldahl method and enables the final result to be obtained directly with a considerable saving of time.

Your benefits:

  • Potentiometric titration for high precision determination
  • Modular solution to adapt to changing needs
  • Efficiency

Unrivalled technologies to support your laboratory - Titanium Condenser and Technopolymer Splash Head


The UDK 149 features the unique VELP patented titanium condenser designed for efficient thermal exchange and low water consumption.

The distillate temperature is always kept below the Kjeldahl threshold value (35 °C), as indicated in the Kjeldahl method, without nitrogen loss.

  • Reduced water consumption
    High resistance material with prolonged lifespan
  • Reduced break risks during routine cleaning
    The exclusive VELP Technopolymer Splash Head incorporated in the UDK 149 is designed for high throughput providing state-of-the-art durability and resistance.
    Chemical resistant materials
    Unmatched lifespan of up to 10,000 analyses
    Maintenance-free and no risk of breaking

Reliability and safety for your lab


The UDK 149 is provided with the most complete set of safety features to ensure maximum operator safety. Sensors monitor tube in place, safety doors, reagent levels, cooling water flow-rate and more.

The VELP Patented Steam Generator guarantees safe working conditions working without pressure:

  • Rapid pre-heating time
  • High performance and resistance
  • Maintenance-free
  • Works with deionized water

Intuitive software ensuring ease-of-use and data management at its best


The bright 7" color touch screen and easy-to-use software guide the operator step-by-step and provide fast feedback when setting the parameters and checking the analysis results.

Grant access to instruments and data only to specific people in your organization thanks to the user management feature.

  • 3 levels of authorizations and permissions according to GLP
  • Onboard archive
  • Distillation in series feature to speed up data entry
  • Data export in .xls, .txt, .csv and maximum compatibility for LIMS
    The optional barcode technology simplifies distillation data management and results calculation.

Streamlined processes and enhanced service support with VELP Ermes Cloud Platform


UDK 149 features the unique connection option via Wi-Fi or LAN to VELP Ermes Cloud Platform, the Smart Lab solution allowing you to reduce routine operations thanks to the real-time monitoring of your Kjeldahl analysis wherever you are, at any time.

Just by using a PC, a Smartphone or a Tablet you can manage multiple instruments, consumables, workflows, analysis data, and instrument working conditions.

Immediate event and alarm notifications inform you about analyses and the remote analysis interruption guarantees total control of your laboratory processes.

Grant access to instruments and data only to specific people in your organization and decide whether you like to share information directly with VELP or with authorized service centers to benefit from a reduced diagnostic time and enhanced service support.

Nitrogen determination at high throughput gets to a new level with VELP Ermes Cloud Platform.

TEMS™ Technology


UDK Series Kjeldahl distillation units work with the innovative TEMS™ benefits, for unmatched savings.

  • Time Saving: rapid heating reduces wasted time
  • Energy Saving: limited energy consumption thus cutting CO2 emissions
  • Money Saving: cost reduction for each analysis
  • Space Saving: the narrow footprint saves valuable laboratory bench space


STRUCTURE Corrosion-resistant technopolymer
DISPLAY 7" color touch screen
ANALYSIS TIME 3 minutes for 100 ml of distillate
MEASURING RANGE 0.04 - 220 mg N
RECOVERY ≥ 99.5 %
DELAY TIME (DEVARDA ALLOY ANALYSIS) 00 sec - 99 min 59 sec
WATER CONSUMPTION From 0,5 L / min to 15°C
From 1 L / min to 30°C
PROTOCOL LIBRARY 20 customizable methods
CONNECTIVITY 2 x USB (balance, barcode scanner, mouse, printer, pen drive); Ethernet (Pc, Ermes); RS232 (external titrator)
DIMENSIONS (WXHXD) 385x780x416 mm
15.2x30.7x16.4 in
WEIGHT 27 kg
59.5 lb

Brochures & Leaflets

VELP Scientifica invites you to download brochures and leaflets in order to explore our premium quality solutions and to have all the major key arguments, features and specifications of a product in your hands, in any place, and at any time.

UDK Series Automatic Kjeldahl Distillation Systems - Brochure [EN]
Analytical Instruments - Line Brochure [EN]
Product Portfolio - Brochure [EN]
Valuable Information On Kjeldahl Method

Comparison tables

Select the category of products you are interested in and this tool will give you an easy overview of what is available at VELP in order to find the product that is perfect for you. These comparison tables provide a brief description with side by side features from basic equipment to the most advanced analytical solutions.

VELP Distillation Units Comparison Table
VELP Test Tubes Comparison Table

Application notes

Choose among a comprehensive library of Application Notes / White Papers and learn more on how to optimize the performance of your VELP instruments. These documents offer typical analyses of well-known samples, together with official references and suggestions, to make you an expert!

E-book - Barley and Feed: N/Protein Determination and Fiber Determination
E-book - Kjeldahl and Dumas Method Comparison: N/Protein Determination in Feed
Alcohol Determination in Beer
Alcoholic Strenght in Spirit Drinks
Alcoholic Strength in Cream liqueur
Alcoholic Strength in Wine
Casein Determination in Milk - Kjeldahl method
Characterisation of different nitrogen forms in liquid fertilizers
Determination of Low Sulphur Dioxide content according to modified Monier-Williams method
N/Ammonia Determination in Fertilizers - Kjeldahl Method
N/Ammonia Determination in Water - Kjeldahl Method
N/Protein Determination in Barley - Dumas vs Kjeldahl Method
N/Protein Determination in Cereals - Kjeldahl method
N/Protein Determination in Cheese - Kjeldahl method
N/Protein Determination in Feed - Kjeldahl method
N/Protein Determination in Fishmeal - Dumas and Kjeldahl method comparison
N/Protein Determination in Liquid Fertilizers - Dumas vs Kjeldahl Method
N/Protein Determination in Meat - Kjeldahl method
N/Protein Determination in Milk - Kjeldahl method
N/Protein Determination in Milk Powder - Kjeldahl method
N/Protein Determination in Nuts - Kjeldahl method
N/Protein Determination in Probiotic Drinks - Kjeldahl method
N/Protein Determination in Rapeseed - Dumas vs Kjeldahl Method
N/Protein Determination in Soybean - Kjeldahl method
Nitrogen and Protein Determination in Commercial Whole Liquid Milk - Dumas vs Kjeldahl Method
Nitrogen and Protein Determination in Insect Flour: Kjeldahl and Dumas comparison
Nitrogen Determination in Engine Oil - Kjeldahl method
Nitrogen/Protein Determination in Pasta
Phenols Determination in Drinking Water and Industrial Wastes
Sulphites Determination in Dried Apricots
TKN Determination in Water and Wastewater
Total Nitrogen determination in Urea – Dumas vs Kjeldahl Method
TVBN Determination in Fish (UDK 129)
Whey Protein Determination in Milk


Our compliance to statutory rules and regulations worldwide.
With the CE mark, VELP Scientifica declares that the products are designed and manufactured in compliance with the essential safety requirements of the European Directive on Safety.
The Certification Body (CB) Certificate is an international program created by the IECEE for the acceptance of product safety test results among participating laboratories and certification organizations around the world.
The cNEMKOus mark ensures this product is designed and manufactured in compliance with the International Directive on Safety IEC/EN 61010-1. The cNEMKOus mark has the same legal status as any other NRTL/SCC accredited marks, for U.S. and Canada.

CE Declaration of Conformity VELP Scientifica UDK Kjeldahl Distillation Units & AutoKjel
UK Declaration of Conformity VELP Scientifica UDK Kjeldahl Distillation Units & AutoKjel
CB Certificate VELP Scientifica UDK Kjeldahl Distillation Units & AutoKjel
cNEMKOus VELP Scientifica UDK Kjeldahl Distillation Units & AutoKjel

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교환 및 반품 신청

교환 절차
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  • - 전달드린 주문번호와 함께 반품 상품을 포장
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  • - 회수된 제품 확인 후 하자없을시 배송비를 제외하고 환불 처리 진행
     (환불 처리 후 입금까지 최대 2주까지 소요될 수 있습니다.)

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